About Us

Entrepreneurial Creatives

Empower! Innovate! Thrive!

Promoting Excellence in Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurial Creatives is a dedicated cohort committed to reshaping and advancing entrepreneurial excellence in Bangladesh. Our goal is to revitalize the entrepreneurial landscape by providing comprehensive capacity-building and consultancy services, shaping a SMART future for Bangladeshi entrepreneurs.


At Entrepreneurial Creatives, we envision a dynamic and inclusive entrepreneurship support system that nurtures innovation and leadership. Our primary focus is on structurally marginalized groups, including women, indigenous, and gender-diverse community individuals. We aspire to create a Bangladesh where entrepreneurship thrives, breaking barriers and generating opportunities for all.

About Entrepreneurial Creatives

Welcome to Entrepreneurial Creatives, a groundbreaking women-centric entrepreneurship initiative designed to redefine the business landscape in Bangladesh. In a nation where small and medium enterprises face challenges, our mission is to catalyze a transformative wave of women-led ventures. Recognizing the gaps in entrepreneurship development, we are dedicated to cultivating a thriving ecosystem.

Through tailored and comprehensive training programs, EC facilitates specialized skills development, business models, e-marketing strategies, and innovative niche product development. We believe in inclusive social development and extend our support beyond traditional structures to assist marginalized and vulnerable groups. eco-friendly practices, and affordable digital services.

Join us on this transformative journey to empower socially disadvantaged groups and support their creative minds so that they become a part of an economically inclusive society that we all aim to establish.

Entrepreneurial Creatives

What We Do

Join Entrepreneurial Creatives on a journey of empowerment and innovation, where women entrepreneurs thrive in a digitally advanced and supportive business environment.

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Capacity Building for Entrepreneurs

  • Tailored capacity-building programs through training, and skill development.

  • Consultancy and support for accessing resources.

  • Legal and institutional compliance assistance.

  • Research and adoption of best practices in Entrepreneurship.

  • Facilitate participation in local and international entrepreneurship events.

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Integrating Enterenureship and Digital Technology

  • Innovating for Entrepreneurs in the Digital Landscape

  • Embarking on research initiatives to seamlessly integrate entrepreneurship into sustainable energy, climate change, and biotechnology, with a special emphasis on tailoring solutions for women-led initiatives.

  • Crafting IT-enabled services, with a focus on web design and the nurturing of digital content development, aimed at empowering women entrepreneurs within the dynamic digital economy.

  • Taking an active role in the development and customization of digital marketing platforms, ensuring they align with the distinctive needs and strengths of businesses led by women.

  • Championing the promotion of IT services that prioritize data management, automation, machine learning, and AI. Our dedicated commitment is to foster inclusive social and entrepreneurship development among entrepreneurs in Bangladesh, propelling them towards digital success.

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Consultancy and Services

  • Corporate Resource Planning and Consultancy Services:

  • Total Quality Management (TQM) and ERP solutions.

  • Developing financial literacy, small business management, market development, and branding skills.

  • Development of business processes and intellectual property.

Our Team

Entrepreneurial Creatives

A dynamic team for entrepreneurial success!


Quamrul Alam

Chief Adviser,
Entrepreneurial Creatives

Professor of International Business & Strategy at the Central Queensland University


Tahmina Shaily

CEO, Entrepreneurial Creatives

CEO, Shoilee Creative Studio


Dr. Shankar Goenka

Adviser, Entrepreneurial Creatives

Chief Architect & Managing Director, WOW Factors India Pvt. Limited
Author, Entrepreneurial Creatives


Adviser, Entrepreneurial Creatives

Former Country Representative IDB


Adviser, Entrepreneurial Creatives

Chairman, Etaha Corporation


Adviser, Entrepreneurial Creatives

StoltLNG az Inc


Adviser, Entrepreneurial Creatives

Executive Director
Weill Cornell Medical Center


Lead IT
Entrepreneurial Creatives

CEO, Blue Cube


Lead, Evaluation and Monitoring
Entrepreneurial Creatives


Lead, Labor Relations
Entrepreneurial Creatives


Research Fellow
Entrepreneurial Creatives


Research Assistant
Entrepreneurial Creatives

Entrepreneurial Creatives

Our Partners

Blue Cube
Sevendays Notes