Rodney Semotiuk


Rodney Semotiuk


International Business

StoltLNG az Inc

Rodney Semotiuk was the Co-Founder and former CEO of Stolt LNGaz Inc. He currently serves as a Director for this LNG joint-venture initiative based in Quebec. He has over 30 years of experience in business development, technology commercialization, and new energy ventures. He is

Rodney has worked extensively overseas pursuing energy-related market opportunities. He was the CEO of Global Operations for an Indian-based group where he oversaw the company’s commercial activities outside of India. He also founded ATFCAN, a Canadian NGO specializing in the transfer of natural gas vehicles, LPG, and other clean energy technologies to emerging markets including India and Bangladesh. As part of the work at ATFCAN, he spearheaded the demonstration of hydrogen shuttle buses on Parliament Hill with the Ford Motor Company and the Senate of Canada.

Earlier in his career, Rodney spent 17 years working in the Government of Canada. He was at Natural Resources Canada for 13 of those years, where he worked in the energy technology and energy policy branches. He was involved in establishing funding programs for hydrogen, fuel cells, bio-diesel, natural gas, and electric vehicles, as well as working with the industry to support technology and standards development. Prior to leaving the government, Rodney played an instrumental role in the funding and establishment of the Canadian Transportation Fuel Cell Alliance, a $27 million initiative to demonstrate the commercial viability of fuel cell vehicles, buses, and hydrogen refueling stations in Canada.

Rodney is a graduate of the University of Alberta with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics and Political Science. He currently resides in Ottawa, Canada.