Professor Quamrul Alam


Professor Quamrul Alam

Professor of International Business & Strategy at the Central Queensland University in Melbourne, Australia
Dr. Quamrul Alam is a Professor of International Business and Strategy at Central Queensland University. Before joining Central Queensland University, Professor Quamrul Alam worked at Monash University, La Trobe University, and Victoria University of Australia. Professor Quamrul Alam has a strong research and project management background. He has published over 50 journal articles, presented over 100 conference papers and reports, six books, 21 book chapters and chaired many sessions in international public management and governance conferences.  Professor Alam has supervised 20  PhD research topics including public governance, regulatory governance, public sector leadership, public-private partnership, economic geography and international business, and local government and disaster management. Professor Alam conducted training programs on leadership and governance, and capacity building in the public sector organisation for public servants from Bangladesh, India, China, Indonesia, and Vietnam. These programs were funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) Australia, UNDP, and the Bangladesh Government.  Professor Alam received over A$3 million in grants.  Professor Alam’s research articles have been published in the Australian Journal of Public Administration, Public Administration and Development, Administration and Society, Public Management Review, Journal of Local Government Studies, International Review of Administrative Sciences, International Journal of Public Administration Thunderbird Journal of Business Review, European Journal of Management,  Journal of Management History, South Asia, Journal of Banking and Finance, and Journal of Business Ethics. Professor Alam has co-edited a special issue of Public Administration and Development in 2021.