Abdullah Al Mamun


Abdullah Al Mamun

Lead, Evaluation and Monitoring

Abdullah Al Mamun is a monitoring and evaluation professional and a certified sampling survey specialist. He has more than ten years of experience in global institutions such as the Center for Global Development, Brandeis University, Aga Khan Foundation, BRAC, and others in the field of survey research, monitoring, evaluation, and learning. He has received research training from the University of Oxford, the University of Michigan, and Brandeis University. He is well conversant with the multidimensional poverty measurement framework for evaluating anti-poverty programs. He was a World Bank scholar at Brandeis University and a Kish Fellow at the University of Michigan. At present, Mamun is a Ph.D. research fellow at the University of Ottawa and also working as a part-time Planning and Policy Analyst at the National Research Council (NRC), Government of Canada.